Torretta, Italy, 17 October 2012: Nino Dina (center), a candidate for the Sicilian Regional Assembly, is about to hug his supporters after a speech in a restaurant during a sausage and pizza night organized by his supporters in Torretta, Italy, on 17 October 2012. Nino Dina, a 55 years representative of the Sicilian Regional Assembly (ARS) running for the fourth time since 2001, was under investigation for Mafia ties in 2008. The case was archived in 2010.
The direct elections in Sicily for the President of the Region and its representatives will take place on Sunday 28 October 2012, 6 months ahead of the end of the terms of office of the current legislature. The anticipated election of October 28 take place after Raffaele Lombardo, former governor of Sicily since 2008, resigned on July 31st. Raffaele Lombardo is under investigation since 2010 for Mafia ties. His son Toti Lombardo is currently running for a seat in the Sicilian Regional Assembly in the coalition of Gianfranco Micciché, a candidate for the Presidency of the Region. 32 candidates belonging to 8 of the 20 parties running for the Sicilian elections are either under investigation or condemned. ### Torretta, Italia, 17 ottobre 2012: Nino Dina (al centro), un candidato per l'Assemblea Regional Siciliana con l'UdC (Unione di Centro), abbraccia le sue sostenitrici dopo un comizio in un ristorante durante una mangiata di salsiccia e pizza organizzata dai suoi sostenitori a Torretta, Italia, il 17 ottobre 2012. Nino Dina, un deputato di 55 anni dell'Assemblea Regionale Siciliana (ARS) candidato per la quarta volta dal 2001, è stato indagato per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa nel 2008. Il suo fascicolo è stato archiviato nel 2010.
Le elezioni in Sicilia per la votazione diretta del presidente della regione e dei deputati all’Assemblea regionale (ARS) si terranno domenica 28 ottobre, in anticipo sulla scadenza naturale dell’attuale legislatura, prevista ad aprile dell’anno prossimo. In S
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